Suits is a TV series about two lawyers (well, not technically two) living and practicing laws in New York.

Why is it interesting? Half of it is because the two lawyers I said above are the senior one and the first year one.

The senior one has much more experience and never lose a case before (let’s just say it’s more than 10 years of experience), while the first year never practices laws, but has enormous talent (and yeah, the iconic photographic memory). It tough you that whether you’re a genius or not, most likely the more experienced one will be right and can tough you more than you think (and, wait for it, this also goes both ways, the senior one can learn from the first year or junior, too).

But that’s half of it. The other half being: we’re human thing. Throughout the series (8 seasons), people grow over time, people learn over time, and, maybe most important of the series, people rely on each other.

That’s a very large introduction. Let’s finally get into really what I learned from the series.


  • You’re your own responsibility, but nevertheless relies on others from time to time, and let them rely on you too :)


  • The junior ones will most likely make mistakes, has an enormous ego, or either just don’t know how things are working in the place they’re in, the senior ones are there to make them know
  • Every mentor has different ways to teach, some of that involves letting their mentee making mistakes, but not too much


  • If you care about someone, you will let them know the truth, whether it’s ugly or not


  • Take your work seriously
  • When you work, you better make sure to get it done, and nothing should get in your way (about this, there’s more to it in real life, but this is what I took from the series)
  • Instead of wasting time doing other things, fix the problem

And maybe the quote I like the most from the series (cause it affects me the most) is this: “Get your shit together, and come see me when it’s done”.