These are my favorite apps. By app I mean application on Desktop, iOS, or Android that is small and efficient enough to just do (mostly) one thing and do it well.

Remember The Milk

I tried both Todoist and Wunderlist before, nothing really sticks to me like Remember The Milk. RTM is so simple, efficient, and cute that I want to use it every day. It’s the first time I like this kind of app and use it more than 3 days.


Well, I use it mainly because it integrates well with Linux and can also use on my iPad Mini 4 and Nexus 5X. Quite handy.

Paper By 53

Paper By 53 is good for drawing and relaxing. It can also be used for work but on professional level Lucidchart is usually more appropriate.


Say no more.

What your favorite apps? Feel free to leave in the comments. Thank you :)