Not in any particular order.

Reaching Hearthstone Legend Rank

Even though I was reaching with the best decks of the game at the moment (Control Paladin from around rank 18-3 and Control Mage from rank 3-legend).

And even though I’m not playing it anymore I still think about the enjoyment from reaching that rank.

Reading New Books

I moved from working in the house I sleep in to the building office. Guest what? I have time reading books (real books and kindle editions) while going via MRT! Nicesu.

The books I read this year:

  1. The Go Programming Language
  2. The Passionate Programmer
  3. Peopleware
  4. The Coaching Habit
  5. Soft skills

They’re not all finished and more books are stil on the way. But I’m happy with them right now.

Discover Some New Entertainment Resources

Aside from Pentor, Dilbert and Gilmore Girls (on Netflix) come to my mind. And also lately Twice (K-Pop Girl Group).


Nothing beats teammates you can always rely on. I hope next year we will still be improving and making good things together, that’s always the most fun part for me.

I also realize how much I can achieve with teammates compared to only me. I was and still am not a good leader but I will not stop trying to be.


I was Rubyist and always be. Although I’ve been mostly with NodeJS for 3 years now I’m still missing Ruby. But, lately we try on Golang (6 months for that matter) and it is very good that we rarely have to discuss anything on it, it is simple and gets the job done.

TDAX codebase has great benefits from its simple models from new developer experience to maintenance cost.

Getting Back Home

To see my family of course. This is the best since my company is having 2-week holidays I can see my family as much as I wanted and also have a time to reflex upon myself. Again. Nicesu.


I will not discuss much about business part because it is still an ongoing thing and don’t know what it will turn out. I know only that I will try my hardest no matter what.

Oh also working with everyone else when we’re really synchronized is fun and productive, that’s actually what keeps me going. Really looking forward to next year :)


Who says items do not matter? I have Intel Skull Canyon with Core i7 and 32GB memory here, never have to think about compute resource problem again. Except maybe it needs monitor :(

That’s it I think. Thanks for reading!